Vimlesh Rawat

Vimlesh Rawat

Vimlesh Rawat



Developer & Dreamer

I am a developer able to build a Web presence from the ground up - from concept, navigation, layout and programming. Skilled at writing well-designed, testable and efficient code using current best practices in Web development. Fast learner, hard worker and team player who is proficient in an array of scripting languages and multimedia Web tools.

Personal Information

  • NameVimlesh Rawat
  • Age28 Years
  • ResidenceMumbai, India
  • FreelanceAvailable


Web Development

We build and maintain your websites for you.


We create a beautiful website or blog compatible with wordpress.

Responsive Webpages

Website look good on all devices.

Database Managment

Create, maintain, and manage databases.



  • Master of Science: Bioinformatics

    Mumbai University

    Coursework includes Programming, Biochemistry and Computational biology Emphasis in data mining, application of bioinformatics, molecular modeling, programming language, database, proteomics and genomics - GPA: 6.27

    2015 2013
  • Bachelor of Science: Life Sciences and Biochemistry

    Mumbai University

    Coursework includes Life sciences and Biochemistry Emphasis in genetics, neurobiology, systems biology and bioinformatics - GPA: 6

    2013 2010
  • High School Certificate: Science

    Mumbai University

    Graduated with Honors - CGPA: 5.83

    2010 2008
  • Secondary School Certificate

    Mumbai University

    Graduated with Honors - CGPA: 7

    2008 2008


  • Visiting Research Student

    Tata Institute of Fundamental Science (TIFR) – Navy Nagar

    Data mining on genes, proteins, and structures from various Public databases Perform Molecular modeling of unknown structures using various bioinformatics tools Using various bioinformatics tools for protein study Created Database using HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL and JSP Working on Linux and windows platform

    2017 2016
  • Project Student

    ICMR Biomedical Informatics Center, NIRRH – Parel

    Project: Developed “Database on Ovarian Function Anomalies” under the guidance of Dr. Smita Mahale, Director, National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (NIRRH) Role: Contributed for the creation of repository on the genes with reported mutations leading to infertility conditions which will aid medical professionals in diagnosis of patients with ovarian function anomalies Language of implementation: HTML, PHP, and MySQL Description: The database contains information on 10 genes playing role in ovarian function. The database also includes information on genes, their disease associations, literature references, reported mutations leading to infertility and associated genes. it would make searching, viewing, advanced searching for user’s specific search. The database also provides mutation screening tool to aid clinical researchers in searching for genetic mutations associated with infertility.

    2015 2014



Digital Certifications/ Badges

Data Science Fundamentals with Python and SQL Specialization offered by IBM:

Genomic Data Science Specialization

Poster/ Conference attended

  • Participated in the International mini-symposium on advances in Biomedical Sciences 2014s.
  • Participated in the International mini-symposium on advances in Biomedical Sciences 2014s.
  • Participate in research poster competition held at G.N. Khalsa college, Guru Nanak Institute of Research and Development (GNIRD) 2014
  • Workshop on Basic techniques in Bioinformatics 2014
  • National conference on Evolution of Research and Development in Biosciences 2012


  • Summer school 2014 organized by the University of Mumbai in association with National Innovation Foundation 2014
  • Volunteer at the national conference organized by Department of Life Sciences 2011
  • Project Training in the fields of BIOTECHNOLOGY from Shreedhar Bhat’s Laboratory (recognized by K-BITS) Bangalore 2011
  • Completed Certificate Course in Computer Technology 2008


Coding Skills



  • Molecular Modelling and Simulation
  • Knowledge and use of Bioinformatics tools
  • Database Management
  • Programming : HTML, PHP, SQL specialist
  • Basic knowledge of Pearl, C++, and Java
  • Handle large set of data
  • Excellent spoken and written communication

Techniques Known

  • Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR)
  • Cloning
  • Sodium Dodecyl Sulphate – poly Acrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (SDS)
  • Western Blotting
  • Plasmid Isolation
  • Agarose Gel Electrophoresis